Equipped luxurious VIP Buses

Platinum 36 seats

Platinum 48 seats

Platinum 40 seats

Platinum 50 seats
Moni Siton Platinum buses are the flagship of the transportation services in Israel. VIP bus travel experience includes all the improvements that can be imagined: comfortable, adjustable seats and temperature control, beverage bar, sound system and modern media, internet and more. When travelling in a Moni Siton Platinum bus, you may sit back, relax and enjoy an espresso or a soft drink, while watching at the landscape passing by. Our buses are large, spacious and decorated in impressive black and red colors.
VIP bus trip is an experience for everyone: for foreign tourists who look for seeing the country in luxurious conditions, business people who need to get around comfortably, travel agents who come to get their impression and learn about the country, special delegations and more.
Our buses come in various sizes 38,40,48,50 and -seat bus can be booked, depending on the expected number of passengers. All the buses are carefully designed, decorated in an elegant and luxurious appearance and include amenities for a pleasant journey. When leaving the bus for a walk and coming back to resume the ride, a cold, refreshing drink will be waiting for you. You may take a nap during the ride and wake-up afterward with a fresh, hot cup of espresso from the espresso machine which is safely placed in the bus. You may choose your favorite magazine from the special magazine carrier in the bus and pass some time reading. Each seat includes a small table, on which you may put your drink, newspaper and laptop. During the ride, you may enjoy the modern multimedia system with two LCD screens, DVD, free wireless internet and even a road camera, through which you can watch the road real-time!
The vehicle fleet of Moni Siton Transportation meet all the required standards. Furthermore, we maintain constant monitoring by the Company's management safety officer. Any error, even the smallest, is undergoing treatment and control and the vehicle returns to action only after being approved by the authorized parties. All our drivers are trained and skilled in servicing and driving. We give a great importance to your satisfaction from our courteous service, from our first contact, to the end of the trip.
Interested in touring the country in VIP conditions? Contact us
Equipped luxurious VIP Buses
Moni Siton Platinum buses are the flagship of the transportation services in Israel. VIP bus travel experience includes all the improvements that can be imagined: comfortable, adjustable seats and temperature control, beverage bar, sound system and modern media, internet and more. When travelling in a Moni Siton Platinum bus, you may sit back, relax and enjoy an espresso or a soft drink, while watching at the landscape passing by. Our buses are large, spacious and decorated in impressive black and red colors.